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Space Weather News

Weather update for July 18, 2024

The space weather outlook for today is generally good. Today, the Sun will remain relatively calm with only minor solar flares observed. A small X-ray flare of class A1.5 was detected earlier in the day, contributing to the overall quiet solar conditions. Solar activity is categorized as low, with no significant coronal mass ejections (CMEs) detected.




Geomagnetic conditions are stable, with the planetary K-index at 2, indicating quiet geomagnetic activity. This suggests minimal impact on Earth's magnetosphere. Due to the quiet geomagnetic conditions, aurora sightings are expected to be limited to high-latitude regions such as the Arctic and Antarctic. Observers in these areas may have a chance to witness faint auroras during local nighttime hours.


Today’s weather in Uganda will be characterized by varying conditions across different regions, with intermittent showers expected in most areas. Varied weather patterns will prevail across the different regions in Uganda.

Central Region including Kampla will experience moderate temperatures ranging from 20°C to 27°C.  Showers are expected intermittently throughout the day, with rainfall totaling up to 10 mm in some areas. Light to moderate breezes from the southeast will dominate the greater part of the day

The northern region comprasing of areas like Gulu, Lira and other districts will continues to experience warmer conditions, with temperatures ranging from 24°C to 31°C. Possibility of occasional showers exist that will contribute to a total rainfall of about 5 mm. The winds are generally calm with occasional gusts from the northeast.

The eastern region will experience mild temperatures between 19°C to 26°C and  scattered showers expected, totaling up to 8 mm of rainfall. Light winds blowing from the east are expected

The western region will generally remain cooler  with temperatures ranging from 18°C to 25°C. There will be gentle winds from the southwest direction. Periods of rain showers likely, with accumulated rainfall around 12 mm are expected.